Healing Meditation and Life-Coaching Program (Online – Zoom)

“It is not our abilities that show what we truly are.
It is our choices.”
~ Dumbledore, Harry Potter
“An ounce of practice
is worth more than tons of preaching.”
~ Gandhi
Dear friends, we hope you are doing fantastic.
We are delighted to announce our next meditation-coaching program: “Healing Now: Awakening an Extraordinary Life in Extraordinary Times.”
As you well know,
We are extraordinary beings living in a magical universe of infinite potential.
We have within us the seed of worldly fulfillment and spiritual awakening.
Joy, love, well-being, abundance, and wisdom are the natural expression of our inner, divine essence.
However, even while we are the embodiment of divine perfection, many of us seem to live disconnected from our joyful, abundant, loving, and healthy essence. It is not that we have lost our inner nature but that, due to distraction and mental habits, we have forgotten this connection between our daily life and our divine essence.
Awakening Our Essence: From Worry and Stress to Joy and Well-being
“Healing Now: Awakening An Extraordinary Life in Extraordinary Times” is an profoundly transformative nine-month program that weaves the benefits of healing meditation with personal coaching strategies to help you understand and fulfill your desires for personal—and collective—healing, success, fulfillment, and awakening.
The purpose of this program is to offer you a view of who you are—physically, emotionally, and mentally—beyond stress, self-doubt, and the limitations of the conventional mind.
To accomplish this, “Healing Now: Awakening An Extraordinary Life in Extraordinary Times” offers you the tools, regularity of practice, and community support, so that together we can recognize, experience, and stabilize our divine essence as our daily reality.
By guiding you to clarify and experience your inner desires and your need for joy and well-being—for your benefit, as well as for the benefit of your family, your community, and the world—this program guides you to recognize the power of your healing and creative mind as the expression of divine healing and creativity.
Through a sequence of teachings based on the principles of healing meditation, Joyful Heart personal coaching, and natural medicine, this program offers you the guidance and support to help you reconnect with the essence of your being as the light of this world, the source of joy, love, well-being, abundance, and wisdom.
Program Main Objectives
“Healing Now: Awakening An Extraordinary Life in Extraordinary Times” is designed to help you:
- Establish the pillars of an extraordinary life in extraordinary times.
- Develop physical well-being, emotional balance, and mental clarity.
- Transform stress, worry, and anxiety into relaxation, trust, and insight.
- Strengthen your focus on positive emotions and increase your self-confidence.
- Define your life purposes, establish clear goals, and persist in a positive direction in your life.
- Connect with you inner being as the source of your abundance, intuition, and creativity.
- Find stability in a world undergoing profound transformation.
- Improve your sleep quality and maintain good energy levels.
- Balance your weight, improve your digestion, and promote efficient elimination of toxins.
- Strengthen your immunity, reduce the length of acute illness, and recover from chronic illness.
- Apply what you learn to help your family and friends.
- And many other benefits that you will discover as we move ahead in the program.
Personal Practice Commitment
“Healing Now: Awakening An Extraordinary Life in Extraordinary Times” is a practical program. As Gandhi wisely said, “An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.”
Regular practice is essential to awaken and establish the extraordinary qualities of our being as our new normal. It is through deliberate, directed, and sustained action towards our goals that we can achieve our desired transformation.
Therefore, you are encouraged to commit (with yourself) to 15 to 30 minutes of daily practice based on the materials we will cover.
Program Structure of Live and Recorded Sessions
This program follows the sequence of teachings from Ferran’s new book, “Healing Now: A path to Optimal Well-being and Self-Love Through Healing Meditation”. In his book, Ferran suggests to spend two weeks of practice in each of the healing meditations, before moving to the next one. For this reason, the program is set up over nine months of bimonthly meetings.
Every session will introduce a different meditation and coaching strategy, following the sequence from “Healing Now: A path to Optimal Well-being and Self-Love Through Healing Meditation”. Allowing two weeks in between meetings will provide plenty of time to practice and integrate in our life each of the 18 meditation techniques and coaching strategies that we will study.
- Program will run from September 27th 2020 – May 23rd 2021
- Two monthly meetings (2nd and 4th Sunday of Every Month)
- 18 Online Live Practice Sessions
- All live sessions will be recorded, posted to the course site, and available for viewing on demand
Program Contents
To download a list of session dates and topics covered in this program, click here.
Required Reading
“Healing Now: A path to Optimal Well-being and Self-Love Through Healing meditation” Click here if you need to purchase the book.
Tuition-Fees: Optional Voluntary-Contribution
This is an optional and voluntary contribution based program.
Pay What You Feel Like.
No questions asked.
We know the immense value of these teachings and we want that everyone who wants to participate in the program can do it without worrying about money.
For this reason, this program is open to everyone with optional and voluntary-contribution based tuition.
10% of the collected contributions will be donated to the charities and humanitarian programs we support worldwide.
Some suggestions as contribution guidelines (sliding Scale amount):
- You can contribute for the whole program at once: Suggestion $270 – $540.
- You can contribute monthly: Suggestion $30 – $60.
- You can contribute per session: Suggestion $15 – $30.
But, again, this is an optional and voluntary contribution based program. Pay What You Feel Like. No questions asked.
Contributions can be made by mail, in person in our office, or by paypal to: info@rochesteracupuncture.us
Meeting Dates and Times: Class will meet the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, from 10.30 am to 12.00 pm EST. Starting on September 27th, 2020 and ending on May 23th, 2021
Location: All meetings will be held online (Zoom)
Registration: For registration or more information contact us by phone: (248) 841-1570 or e-mail: joyfulhelp@joyfulheartinstitute.com